Speak and receive your breakthroughs!

The Lord says these words to His people,
“From now on, speak, profess and proclaim My words to receive your breakthroughs! Rise up and take your position in Me. Command with My words to take hold of your circumstances.”

Have you been wanting to see a change in yourself and in your circumstances? If the answer is a 'yes', it is now crucial for you to inculcate the habit of speaking God's words over your life!

You might ask, "Why do I need to speak out God's words?" or "Can't I just meditate His words silently in my mind?"
Well, there must be a reason to do so considering that...
~ God spoke everything into existence (see Genesis 1)
~ God told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones and they lived (see Ezekiel 37:1-14)
~ Jesus spoke to the wind and to the sea to stop the windstorm (see Matthew 8:23-27)
~ Peter spoke to Aeneas for healing to take place (see Acts 9:32-35)
~ Paul spoke with authority to deliver the possessed slave girl (see Acts 16:16-18). 

Now, if words are so important, what have you been speaking to yourself? What have you been speaking regarding yourself to others? What have you been speaking over your own circumstances?

It is written in Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV) that, 'Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.' So, choose to speak good words, especially to yourself. Moreover, it is written in Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV) that, 'Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.' This goes to show that it is very important to keep your mind and your heart aligned with godly values so that you will speak right! Philippians 4:8 in the Bible is a good verse for you to start meditating and proclaiming aloud, so that you will think and speak only things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue, and praiseworthy. Amen!

Let me clarify that speaking God's words over yourself is not merely practicing positive thinking or positive speaking the way you would be encouraged to do in any motivational seminar. The Bible says that Jesus is the Word of God (see John 1). Jesus also said that the words He spoke are spirit, they are living and powerful, and they impart life to those who speak or 'eat' of them! (see John 6:51-63) So, here is the spiritual truth - when you keep speaking God's words over yourself, you are actually 'eating', 'digesting' and 'absorbing' His words until you bear the same 'spiritual-DNA' in your spiritual being and mindset. This is also one of the important keys to having the mind of Christ. Hence, only those who are willing to believe and willing to practice speaking God's words over themselves will truly experience real and powerful transformation in their spiritual and physical lives!

There are 3 ways of speaking the powerful words of God over your life:

The Power of Speaking 'Logos'

'Logos' is the general written word of God in the Bible for every believer of Christ. 'Logos' communicates God's ability to do something, or His general will on a matter such as love, joy, peace, grace, salvation, healing, providence, success, etc. 

Many Christians do not experience the transformation of character and improvement in life because they do not know how to make use of the 'logos'! Reading and knowing God's words as head knowledge alone is never enough

Let me give you one of the many examples of speaking 'logos' over yourself.
Say, you are encumbered with worries and anxieties:
First, personalize a related part of the Scripture such as Philippians 4:6-7 this way, "I am anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, I let my requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus."
Next, speak the Scripture out loud over yourself again and again until you can memorize it well. Then, speak it out loud over yourself every day (say, 20, 30, 40, or 50 times a day) until you can sense the peace of God in your heart and mind.

In doing so, you are 'eating', 'digesting' and 'absorbing' the Scripture verses into your spirit, soul and body. God's thought for you would become your own thought. Instead of trying hard to talk yourself into not worrying, you allow God's words to be at work in your life. By the time you realize it, you would have been set free from anxiety and you are dwelling in the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. And because God's words are spirit and life, they do not just work in you, but they stay in you and become your own thoughts, i.e. they become one with you! The next time when new challenges arise in your life, these living words that dwell in you will automatically rise up to push back any thought of worry or anxiety in your mind.

You may apply the above approach with any relevant part of the Scripture to deal with sin, guilt, hatred, offense, envy, low self-image, competitiveness, insecurity, etc. The goal should be allowing yourself to be transformed by His 'logos' as you speak it

The Power of Speaking 'Rhema'

'Rhema' is a specific word from God that applies to you personally. God gives you 'rhema' by speaking through a specific part of the Scripture that touches your heart deeply, or by dropping an anointed thought, or through words of prophecy.

You can find many examples of God speaking 'rhema' to His people in the Bible. 
One of them is in the life of Abraham. It is an example of 'what God wants a person to become'. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham so that he would fulfill his calling to become the father of many nations (see Genesis 17:3-5). Surely Abraham would be telling his family members, relatives, and friends the reason for the change of name. And every time he heard his name was called by others, he was reminded of his calling as 'the father of many nations'. But just because there is someone else today who fancies that name, it does not make that someone else 'the father of many nations' the way Abraham was called to be. Because the calling is only for that specific Abraham in the Bible!

Another example of God speaking 'rhema' to His people is in the life of Gideon. It is an example of 'what God wants a person to do'. God told Gideon to choose only those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth to drink water, and there were only three hundred men who did so (see Judges 7). He was to send back the rest of the people who got down on their knees to drink water. He then spoke and conveyed to the three hundred men the specific 'rhema' of the Lord. Because they obeyed the specific 'rhema' of the Lord and carried out His instructions without doubt, Gideon and the three hundred men won the battle against the Midianites. But not any army commander today can simply adopt 'Gideon's method/way', because it was the 'rhema' and the specific instruction of God only to Gideon alone!

By now, you would have a clear understanding that whether it is a personal instruction to the people of God as seen in the Scripture, or a specific method/way of doing ministry/business from God to each of us, a 'rhema' is a specific word from God that only applies to the one who receives it. Simply copying, imitating, or adopting the 'rhema' of others will not necessarily work for you.

Have you received a 'rhema' from God? Do you know what God wants you to be? Do you know what kind of life and blessings God wants you to experience? Do you know in what way He wants you to carry out your ministry/business?

If you have received your 'rhema' from God, meditate on it, speak it aloud over yourself and put it into practice until you see the will of God is done in your life. If you have not received any 'rhema' for yourself, start asking God for His personal 'rhema' for you today!

The Power of Speaking 'Kairos' Words

To speak 'kairos' word is to speak 'the right word at the right time', with the leading of God's Spirit.

There are many examples in the Bible where lives were changed after 'kairos' words were spoken.

Jesus have always been at the right place, speaking the right word at the right time. One example is in John 4:5-42. Jesus entered a city called Sycar in Samaria, stationed Himself by the well of Jacob, sent all His disciples away to the city to buy food, and met the Samaritan woman who came to draw water at noon time. Jesus' first few 'kairos' words to her were, "Give Me a drink." This Samaritan woman entered into a conversation with Jesus, and later became the first person to hear Jesus teach about worshiping God in spirit and in truth. Not just that, through her, many more Samaritans heard about Jesus and believed in Jesus!

In Acts 8:26-39, Philip was told by an angel of God to go toward the south along the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. He went, and was at the right place and the right time to meet the Ethiopian eunuch who served under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians. Philip was led by the Spirit of God to go near and overtake the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip then heard him read the book of Isaiah. Philip's 'kairos' words to the eunuch were, "Do you understand what you are reading?" Immediately, Philip was invited into the chariot and he was able to preach the gospel to the eunuch. Eventually, the eunuch of great authority and influence was saved and water baptized!

You see, sometimes the Spirit of God might prompt you to speak 'kairos' words to people you may or may not know. Just follow the leading of the Spirit of God and you will see the work of God being established through your life!

Find freedom and safety in every stage of your life!

I want to share with you a night vision that I've received from the Lord recently, and here it goes:  I saw a building with different fl...