So, you have a ministry calling from the Lord! However, the first thing to do is not to run about looking for a seminary course or seeking any established ministry to absorb you as a trainee.
If the Lord has truly called you to serve Him full-time, your relationship with the Lord has advanced more than just a ‘Father and child’ relationship. He has assumed the position of being your life-time employer and paymaster. Once you understand how this new relationship works, you can be assured that He has already prepared ‘a tailored-made training program’ and ‘a list of job descriptions’ for you. He will not leave you scrambling for a way to go by yourself.
Thus, the first thing to do is to seek Him directly for the immediate next step to be taken at the right time. Every instruction from the Lord will be confirmed with His divine peace and faith. Never miss out these elements and you will always be on the right track. As you are accountable to Him for every ministry decision-making, always seek the Lord for confirmation(s) before you make any major move. This is the only way every minister of God could start it right, progress it right and end it right!
When it comes to ministry training, there is such an assurance of the Lord’s care and goodness when one studies the way Elijah emerged as a prophet in 1 Kings 17.
Elijah’s first ministry instruction (see 1 Kings 17:1)
Elijah was instructed by the Lord to proclaim drought before Ahab. But a prolonged drought in the land would be followed by severe famine that would affect everyone, including Elijah. Amazingly, that was the beginning of his ministry training!
Logically, the ‘bread’, the ‘rice-bowl’ or the financial needs would be the main concern of many spiritual ministry trainees. If you allow the Lord to train you to receive finance from Him correctly since the beginning of your spiritual ministry, you will never have to suffer financial lack as ministers of the Lord.
Elijah was ‘cut off’ from worldly ways (see 1 Kings 17:2-5)
The Lord told Elijah to hide by the Brook Cherith. He was to drink from the brook and to be fed by ravens. So, he went and did according to the word of the Lord.
Cherith is ‘Keriyth’ in Hebrew which means ‘a cut’. It’s from the root word ‘kârath’ that means ‘to cut off’. Cherith was a very isolated place from the outside world. The Lord intended to set Elijah apart from worldly ways in order for him to be effective in spiritual ministry.
Working with the Lord is different from working in the secular world. The initial thing to learn in spiritual ministry is to ‘unlearn’ the ways of the world. The more you work with the Lord, the more you will learn that He works very differently from the ‘logic’ or the ‘common sense’ that you have been educated in the world. The first and foremost important ministry training that you should remember and practice all your life is to hear and do according to the word of the Lord (and the way of the Lord)!
Elijah was taught the ways of the Lord (see 1 Kings 17:6)
The Lord commanded ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat twice a day.
Why ravens?
[The base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh could glory in His presence. (1 Corinthians 1:28-29 NKJV)]Ravens have always been perceived as thieves and agents of ‘omen’ or ‘death’ by people from different cultures. But the Lord used what were perceived as ‘cursed’ or ‘death’ to bring ‘life’ to Elijah. The Lord showed to Elijah that He could use anything, even the lowly things, to achieve His plans and to provide.
Why bread and meat?
[And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 NKJV)]People did not get to eat meat always in the old times, but only during festivals or special occasions. Bread was a basic need, but meat speaks of wants, and therefore a luxury those days. Yet Elijah got to enjoy meat every meal during the time of famine. The Lord showed to Elijah that He is a great Provider who gives generously.
As minister of the Lord, know that the Lord has all the means to satisfy both your needs and wants. And that privilege is even extended to your loved ones. You only need to agree with His way of doing things. Elijah got such providence of needs and wants simply by heeding the Lord’s instructions.
Elijah was trained to be flexible (see 1 Kings 17:7)
As it had not rained for a long time, the brook eventually dried up. No more clean water to drink and probably the ravens stopped bringing food too! But there was no record of Elijah being anxious or angry with God for no supply of water and food. It would have occurred to him that if the Lord could command the ravens to provide meat, He would have other ways to provide for him. He chose to be flexible with the Lord and waited for another instruction!
You see, God is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (see Revelation 22:13). He knows what is the best for you in each season and stage of your life. Hence, when the Lord tells you to let go of something (e.g. method of doing things) or somewhere (e.g. a place or an organization), do it! Don’t sulk with the Lord, don't blame others, and don’t cling on the old. Consult the Lord again and be flexible to flow with Him.
Elijah was refined before great fame (see 1 Kings 17:8-16)
This time, the Lord told him to go to Zarephath in Sidon. Elijah was told to lodge in a poor widow's home instead of a rich man's home. As a result of Elijah heeding this instruction, the widow's bin of flour was not used up, nor did her jar of oil run dry.
Zarephath is ‘Tsârephath’ in Hebrew, which carries the meaning of ‘refinement’. It is from the word ‘tsâraph’ which also means to refine, purify, purge.
The Lord had intended for Elijah to see providence coming directly from Him, and not from the hand of man.
In spiritual ministry, finance can be a very great concern. However, if you have learned that providence is never from the hand of man but from the hand of the Lord (it is the Lord who moves man to give), you will never be bound by the fear of man. With no fear of man, you will have the liberty to carry out (all) the exact instructions the Lord has put in your heart.
Elijah won the first soul (see 1 Kings 17:17-24)
The widow's son became sick and died. Elijah stretched himself out on the child three times and cried out to the Lord. The Lord heard Elijah's prayer and revived the child.
[Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is the truth." (1 Kings 17:24 NKJV)]You do not have to strive to convince others of your spiritual calling, or to promote your ministry. It is only through your ‘fruits’ and by the acknowledgment of others that your calling and ministry will be recognized. Therefore, just be faithful to carry out His job description(s) or the ministry blueprints that Lord has put in your heart.
Elijah saved the first soul (the widow) in Sidon (Tsîydown/ Tsîydon in Hebrew), which means ‘in the sense of catching fish’. In cross-reference, Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 4:19(NKJV), "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Therefore, no matter what your spiritual calling is, if you are willing to use your spiritual gifts (or talents) given by the Lord to bless others, the gospel of Jesus Christ will be made known! Elijah was a prophet, not an evangelist. But even then, what he did caused the hearts of many people to turn to the Lord, e.g. when he called down fire to consume the burnt sacrifice (bull) on Mount Carmel and defeated the prophets of Baal (see 1 Kings 18).
Elijah was ready for greater ministry
[And it came to pass after many days that the word of the LORD came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, "Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth." (1 Kings 18:1 NKJV)]
The 3½ year of drought and famine was a time of ‘low profile’ for Elijah, yet it was also a time of intensive training for him. Throughout the drought and famine, he did not suffer any lack or hunger, but he lived with the Lord’s providence. As a matter of fact, Elijah 'passed' the training simply because he obeyed and followed every single instruction exactly (as told by the Lord).
The ‘rain’ also represents the Holy Spirit (see Joel 2:23, 28-29). If you would allow the Lord to train you in His way, you can be assured that the Holy Spirit will be with you to help you succeed in your calling and ministry too!
Things didn't go well as planned? Watch this!
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I sense in the spirit that, at this time and juncture, many people of God are frustrated because their lives do not go as they have planned ...
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